First week in Franschhoek South Africa at Bridges of Hope International

On January 4th Lydia and I left our home in Manhattan Beach to come to South Africa for some needed R&R.  That is Restoration and Repair at the Bridges of Hope Retreat Center in Franschhoek, South Africa.  Now we have been here for our first of 12-weeks and have gotten a lot done already.  We have scheduled three contractors to begin work on the facilities starting on the 24th after the Rock Harbor team from Costa Mesa leaves.  They are here to have two camps. One for the Academy kids (7-12 grades) and one for the younger kids from the townships. School starts next week for the students from the Academy. The projects that will be starting after the camps are: Finishing the road and driveway work begun in December, refurbishing the pool and refurbishing the kitchen, dining room, one bathroom and rehanging the front door.
I will try to keep this post going so you can follow the progress. Hope you enjoy the pictures of life here.

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