Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Third week in South Africa

On our third week we started construction of some of the projects by taking down the existing patio cover. On Saturday we had the kids from the school help pick pears from the 27 trees that exist on the property. We then delivered them to a processing plant in a town about 45-minute drive away. The moneys from the sale of the pears will go toward making repairs of the bicycles for the kids to use around the property. Go figure, we had a bunch of singles picking pears for repairs. Saturday afternoon Lydia and Debbie delivered the quilts to the girls of the academy. They were so appreciated!
On Monday three contractors and their crews showed up to begin work on the pool, the kitchen, the dining room, two bathrooms and the roadwork. These crews are making a lot of dust, but by Wednesday much of the demolition has already been finished. The road crew is putting down curb stones along both sides of the driveways, moving a lot of dirt and they have cut the path around the perimeter of the property.
While picking pears we discovered that blackberries were growing on the eastern end of the property next to the pear trees, so Lydia and Debbie made a deal with the girls to pick some for us. They would get a lesson in pie making in return. I think Bill and Phil were the real winners. The pie was great with a little ice cream which we all had tonight. (The girls get to share one too.)
Bill and Phil worked on the shed getting the pool table, foosball, ping pong table and weight lifting equipment working. Biggest hit is the weight training machine. The guys are at it every afternoon working up a real sweat. After cleaning out the kitchen on Monday morning before the work crews arrived, Lydia and Debbie have been rearranging and cleaning out the workshop installing the old kitchen cabinets and getting rid of a lot of junk. In between the work of organizing and directing the work, Lydia and Debbie seem to always come up with great meals. We have been enjoying them at our table outside when the wind is not blowing too hard.
“Our prayers lay the track down on which God's power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails.” Watchman Nee
Thank you for your prayers for us. We are enjoying the success that they bring to our work with and for the kids here.

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