Friday, March 4, 2011

Eighth & Nineth Weeks

This time we are updating you on the last two weeks. A lot has happened in those two weeks starting with a Saturday trip to Table Mountain with a beautiful view of Cape Town. Phil and Bill finished the patio cover and we had Dennis install the ceremonial last screw.

Lydia had fun teaching some of the girls how to make brownies from scratch using Hershey chocolate bars left here by the last team. You should all appreciate all the instant mixes you have to choose from in the grocery store. There is no such thing here.

On the next Saturday we had a second pear picking time with the kids and in the evening Bill and Phil went with two of our friends here to the first season rugby game for the local Western Cape team, the “Stormers”. They pulled it together in the last five minutes wining by a small margin. We both enjoyed going to our first rugby game. We still have a lot to learn about the game. Last Sunday we took a drive to the Cape of Good Hope or Cape Point where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean. What a beautiful spot!

The barn is now finished and ready for the tractor to move in and the braai is now finished as well. Phil built a sun guard to our western facing room to cut down on the heat buildup in that room while Bill worked on a pit to house the trampoline. The appliances arrived for the kitchen and are now being hooked up for our first retreat scheduled for this coming weekend. Bill was worked to roll a sealant on the tile around the pool. Phil installed irrigation in a small area behind the retreat center to develop into a garden and we got a load of fertilizer to improve its productivity.

Lydia and Debbie stopped at the sports store and purchased a couple pair of boxing gloves for the boys to workout. The soccer field is in good shape now while the basketball court is just beginning to take shape. We used the monies generated by the first pear picking to repair some of the bicycles and the kids have been having a great time in the afternoons riding around the campus on the newly built path.
Dennis and Susan Wadley have now returned home after a short and busy time while they were here. It was sure great having them around for a while.

These are some of the things we have been doing in the last two weeks. Things are shaping up. We had a long list of projects to do when we came and we have since been adding to the list. It has all been going well (PTL!) and we have been enjoying the process and the hard work. We also have had some fun times getting to see some of the local sights as well.

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